Saturday, June 23, 2012

Personalized Running Poster

Many miles and many memories. How do you keep track of your racing results and stay motivated to enter more? Well, I've created a simple yet artistic solution. An inspiring, Personalized Running Poster that is perfect for any runner.

Poster board (any size, it's up to you)
Assorted paints
Paint brushes
Assorted Sharpies
Old running shoes
Your race results from 5Ks, marathons, relays, etc.

1. First paint the background color. This base color should be the lightest color you are using in the poster because you will be painting and writing over it afterward. Let your background dry.

2. Choose a short word to paint on top of the base color. Sketch your word using pencil and then paint it using a little bit darker color than your base. Let your painted word dry.

3. Grab your old running shoes and paint the soles of them to use as a stamp using a darker color too. Right after your paint the shoes, place them on the poster where you want them to go and firmly press them into the poster board.

Tip: Instead of using your old running shoes as stamps, the bottoms of your feet are just as could. Just make sure to wash them off as soon as possible before your having footprints all over the house.

4. After your shoe prints dry, organize your race results by year and start logging in your races by using a Sharpie.

5. Hang your Personalized Running Poster in an easy to access spot on your wall. After each race you complete now, you can take down your poster and proudly add another running memory simply by using a Sharpie.

6. Fill your poster with results and cherish the running memories!

Variation: Not into running? You can also create a personalized poster for a different sport.
 -For example, if you are into cycling and compete in many races, you could paint the word "bike" in the background,  run tire tracks over it, and then log in your races each year.

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