Looking for creative ways to spice up your homemade birthday and other celebration/holiday cards? ----How about using string?
It's really simple to use and adds a personal touch to your DIY craft. I bet you have some extra thread, string, or even ribbon laying around your house. I call them Homemade Cards "on a Shoestring" because they are inexpensive to make and you can use thread or even a pair of shoestrings to make them!
Homemade Cards "on a Shoestring"
To get started on your Homemade Cards, you will need:
Blank cardstock and envelopes
Scrap paper (any colors)
Any string, ribbon or thread-able material
Markers, colored pencils, etc...any craft supplies you use when making cards!
1. First, I figured out whose birthdays were coming up or themed cards I would like to create and look great with using string.
2. Then, I went through my scrapbooking supplies (aka scrap paper, string, etc.) and looked for something that would go perfect
with my theme for the birthday boy or girl.
3. Here's the fun part---putting your idea onto paper.
Balloon Card: I cut out different colored circles and ovals for the balloons. For the string, I threaded four strings and made knots (attaching them to the cardstock) by the bottoms of the balloons. In the bottom left of the card, I cut the remaining string and glued the ends down. In the inside of the card, I glued a white cardstock paper square to cover over the hole I made from the string.
Flag Banner Card: (pictured above) I cut out little red triangles for the flags and glued them down in a wavy line. For the posts, I cut out two long rectangles and glued them on the ends. For the string part, I made one tie on the left side first, then the right side, and finally glued the middle part down, matching it alongside the flags. In the inside of the card, I glued white cardstock paper squares to cover over the holes I made from the string.
Heart Card: For the string, I just made an oval circle and glued it separately from the ribbon. For the ribbon part, I weaved the ribbon in and out of the cardstock, making a heart shape. In the inside of the card, I glued white cardstock paper to cover over the holes I made from the ribbon.
4. Then I arranged my design on the blank cardstock and glued it together.
Tip: If the string is not sticking, make sure to reapply glue to the string and firmly press down and hold it in place until it sticks to the cardstock.
5. For the inside, write a personal message or just a simple "Happy Birthday" in unique calligraphy.
6. Enjoy and keep on crafting!